Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Mar 2003, Fred Ma wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm having the following problem only on cygwin,
> > not on solaris 8.  I have a sanity-check program:
> >
> >      #include<vector>
> >      #include<iostream>
> >      using namespace std;
> >      int main(void)
> >      {
> >         vector<int> vi(3);
> >         vector<int>::iterator it_vi = vi.begin();
> >         cout << "Hello world.";
> >      }
> >
> > I compile it with gcc 3.2 use
> > gdb2003-03-03-cvs(cygwin-special) to view
> > vi.begin() and it_vi.  They are different:
> >
> >      (gdb) p vi.begin()
> >      $1 = {<iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag,int,int,int*,int&>> =
> >                  {<No data fields>}, _M_current = 0xc7e44589}
> >      (gdb) p it_vi
> >      $2 = {<iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag,int,int,int*,int&>> =
> >                  {<No data fields>}, _M_current = 0xa041de0}
> >
> > Why are they different?  If I actually dereference the iterators,
> > they contain the same thing.  But I want to deal with the iterators
> > themselves.  In particular, I want a conditional breakpoint to trigger
> > when it_vi==vi.begin()+4.  gdb won't let you add 4 to a random
> > access iterator, so I have to use the _M_current member data.
> > Since they are not the same above, I can't do that.  Thanks for
> > any light on why they differ.
> >
> > Fred
> Umm, you do know that calling vi.begin() will create a *new* iterator,
> right?  As for it working on other systems, they may have different
> implementations of STL iterators.
>         Igor

Yes, I know that.  I'm comparing it on a different system but
with the same version of gcc, so I expect the STL implementation
to be the same.  I have to qualify that; the cygwin version is
gcc3.2 20020927 (prerelease).  The solaris version is 3.2.1,
and since there is no 3.2.0 on www.gun.org, cygwin's gcc is
probably a tenative version of the solaris version.  But I don't
expect great changes, at least not as big as the definition of
_M_current.  If iterators are suped up pointers, then _M_current
is the primitive pointer that is suped up.  From the properly
functioning gcc/gdb on solaris, it_vi and vi.begin() contain the
same value for _M_current.  If I dereference _M_current in
either iterator, I get the right object value.  If I try this on cygwin,
*it_vi._M_current returns the right value, but
*(vi.begin()._M_current) is an error because the memory
location can't be accessed.  In the actual program that
I'm trying to debug, none of the changes made to a aggregate
vector elements via it_vi seem to have any effect, probably
because of the differing _M_current values (in that case,
vi.begin()._M_current is pointing to valid memory space).

About the fact that the iterators are different, gdb's print
command prints the object itself, including data members,
*not* the address of the object.  So the fact that the iterators
are different should not make the objects' value different.

Another strange "clue", if it is that:  if I print *it_vi._M_current
in the full blown program, vi.begin()_M_current actually changes
values (by itself) so as to be the same as it_vi._M_current.
Very  bizzare.


P.S.  The gdb version on cygwin (at top) is relatively
recent.  In contrast, on solaris8 (where things seem to
behave right), it's gdb 4.17, copyright 1998.

Carleton University, Dept. of Electronics
1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1S 5B6

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