> The client is not the problem, I have compiled my own version of MySQL,
>including client dll and server.  What I want is the server running on
top >of Cygwin (well, I know it is ported to Windows and runs faster
without >Cygwin, but just for fun I want it running on Cygwin too),
unfortunately >the server crashes immediately when connecting it and I
had no luck >debugging it yet.

First of all, MySQL Win32 port also uses cygwin (old version).
Second, a few years ago I tried to make it work (using gcc under Cygwin,
not MS Visual C++) with success.
But at my WinNT servers Win32 binaries work as well as at my SPARC ones.
Apropo, you should try qmail under Cygwin on NTFS partition. I've tested
it at WinNT/2000/XP.
Anyhow what mysql you want to use, libmysqlclient.dll from mysql sources
is recommended (not from mysql-xxxx-win32.src). For vpopmail/vmailmgr, I


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