Uname -a: CYGWIN_NT-5.1 WG44KA2G55H 1.3.22(0.78/3/2) 2003-03-18 09:20
i686 unknown unknown Cygwin

The "cleartool" application (part of ClearCase) will often present
question prompts in normal operation, to confirm certain operations.
When I execute these commands in a DOS box, it works fine.

However, when I execute this in a Bash shell in RXVT, at the point
where it would issue the prompt, it just sits there doing nothing.  If I
then press Return, it immediately emits the prompt message, and then
takes that as my response.  If instead of pressing Return, I first type
an expected response and press Return, then it takes that as my
response, which is an acceptable workaround (if I know what the prompt

If this Bash shell is inside XEmacs, however, when I press Return at the
invisible prompt, it takes my response and then kills the Bash shell
it's running in. :(

Is there a strategy I can use to get it to work the same way it does in
a DOS box, printing the entire prompt message, and exiting normally?

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