On Friday 30 May 2003 06:01, Dillikar, Satyanarayana wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm have installed cygwin on win2000 and it is fine. Now I'm tring to
> install cscope and have these problems.
>  I tried both cscope15.1 and cscope15.3.
> a) Invalid configuration `i1586-pc-cygwin':  My m/c is pentium.
> b)automake is missing
> c) autoheader is missing.
> d) aclocal is missing.
> etc..
> Please see below for details.
> I have aclocal and automake in both /usr/bin and cygwin/bin
> Let me know how to go though of it.
I have no idea what that package is.  Evidently, it has misread your cygwin 
version, so you should consider specifying it, e.g. --host=i686-pc-cygwin.  
In the event that it doesn't include any cygwin provisions in its configure, 
and that also fails, you could take a stab at specifying a linux version 
which it does support, or examining what it would take to add cygwin support.

Tim Prince

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