With utmost respect and sincerity I appeal to disturb you a bit at this particular 
moment. I will tell you more about myself once I receive your reply. I am currently in 
Praia, Republic of Cape Verde, a little country or islands in the North Atlantic Ocean 
and I am contacting you secretly.

Because of my past with my friend and boss Gen. Jonas Savimbi of UNITA in Angola, I am 
here at the moment. I am still with his cellular satellite phone and you can reach me 
once we open discussion.

I contacted you because we can do a clean deal that I have started already and now it 
is at the point of rounding it up. If you can be confidential, I will round this deal 
up with you. I have already secured the deal and will need you just for one final step 
so that we round up and get the payment. 

Please contact me without exposing this to anybody as soon as you can if you can work 
with me. Note that the deal is not risky but it is confidential, as I do not yet want 
exposure at all. This payment is already secured and just waiting for 

I expect your urgent reply so that I will give you more details.

Yours truly,
Thambo Michel

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