On Thu, 10 Jul 2003, Pavel Rozenboim wrote:

> when I try this from the shell I get an error :
> mount: /: Mount device busy

You have to unmount '/' first. It's best if you do something like this

  mount -m >/tmp/mtab
  ...edit the file to add `-o managed'..

and then unmount your mount points, e.g.

  umount /
  umount /usr/bin
  umount /usr/lib

and finally, remount

  . /tmp/mtab

your mount points. I think it'd be better if you do this from a dos prompt, and
shutdown all running Cygwin processes and services before doing so.

If you have Cygwin/XFree86 installed, you don't need to `umount' the fonts mount
point, and might be better removing it from /tmp/mtab .


Elfyn McBratney, EMCB

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