
I followed the procedure of setting up sshd:

I launch the sshd with an account that is part of
the administrator group (WinXP).  One peculiarity
about this account is that it is not a local
account i.e. when I log into Windows, I specify a domain
name other than the name of the local PC.

In order for sshd to respond to connection requests,
I did "mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd".  This did not
allow me to connect to sshd from outside, since
"mkpasswd -l" only generates entries for local users.

Therefore, I used "mkpasswd -d", grepped my User ID
from the output, then appended it to /etc/passwd.
This didn't fix the problem.

To check that sshd allowed connections to local user
accounts, I created a local user account "Test" and
successfully connected to it via sshd from outside.

What more is required to allow ssh connections to
nonlocal user accounts?  I only have control over
the local PC.  Even here, I don't have absolute
control; for example, I can't login as "administrator",
but I can login to an account that is part of the
administrators group.


Carleton University, Dept. of Electronics
1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1S 5B6

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