Hey Igor and Nicolas,
    Your mails gave me a pointer and I tried setting the TERM variable on
the remote host to vt220 (default was xterm) and now things are working,
although I need to explore more.

Thanks !


-----Original Message-----
Of Nicolas BUONOMO
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 2:39 AM
Subject: Re: terminal characterestics


Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, koorapati, koundinya wrote:
>>Hey Cygwin Users,
>>    I have a problem when I rlogin to other *NIX hosts from the native
>>launched from Cygwin-Xfree86. One I rlogin, it so happens that, trying to
>>'vi' some file, the vi editor just scrolls past the top most lines of the
>>file and takes me to a point somewhere in the middle. Evening trying to
>>position explicitly to the first line :1, does not work. I suppose this
>>something to do with the X Server configuration ?. I've tried searching
>>through the mail archives, but don't see anyone having a problem as close
>>as mine. Any help or pointers will get me moving with my work. I have been
>>reluctant to using any other propritery emulation software, till now as I
>>really want to use Cygwin
>>Thanks Koundinya
> Is your TERM variable set correctly in the remote shell?
>       Igor

I have the same problem when I rlogin to AIX hosts. The TERM 
variable is set to xterm. I have tried some other value, aixterm 
works a little better. But the best way I found is to replace rlogin 
(run xterm.exe -e rlogin "[EMAIL PROTECTED]") with telnet (run xterm.exe -e 
telnet -l %2 %1).


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