> From: Brian Dessent
> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 10:19 PM

> Greg Freemyer wrote:
> > === Session Log
> > $ mount -f -b //./physicaldrive2 /dev/todds
> Just a completely random guess here:  Is 'physicaldrive2' an active
> system drive?  IIRC there are some parts of windows that cannot be read
> by anything but the kernel itself, such as the SAM database (or
> something along those lines.)  If this is the case then you'd have to do
> the image when the partition is not active.  I don't know how or if
> tools like Ghost get around this.
> Brian

Minimal info addition:
 Symantec's ghost.exe is a AFAIK DOS application, with all the
implications - don't know more about it (does it handle NTFS?).
PowerQuest's "ghost" (i.e. Drive Image) does some 'magic' by booting a
temporary disk image - for creating the backup (this disk image can be
rebuilt using the installed software. Does understand NTFS and at least
'knows about' Linux).

/Hannu E K Nevalainen, B.Sc. EE - 59+16.37'N, 17+12.60'E

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