Keyins not accepted by Windows programs on CYGWIN.
Micro Focus Net Express COBOL does not accept responses
to error messages. To illustrate the problem, consider following compile:

cobol car100.cbl,,,,ANIM NOOBJ;  <-- sample compile command

If copybook missing Net Express prompts & Allows
you to enter a response:

FILE BELOW NOT FOUND - Stop/Retry/Continue/Alter-path

- But replies are not accepted
- All you can do is ctl Break to kill
- then any replies are displayed by the CYGWIN shell

This may be a CYGWIN problem, since the replies work OK
under the UWIN emulation pkg, BUT other programs work OK
on both UWIN & CYGWIN ??

Above problem demonstrated with manual command
but even worse when running my scripts:

I have described the problem in more detail at:
Missing copybook problems


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