At 11:26 PM 1/13/2004, jon wild you wrote:

>Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
>> mount -s -b --change-cygdrive-prefix "/cygdrive"
>> mount -f -s -b "C:/cygwin" "/"
>> mount -f -s -b "C:/cygwin/bin" "/usr/bin"
>> mount -f -s -b "C:/cygwin/lib" "/usr/lib"
>> Please let the list know if this works for you.
>Igor - it worked perfectly, everything is back to normal. Thanks so much.
>After such a good first experience with this list I might be pushing it if 
>I ask about another, much less important problem, but I'll try anyway 
>since once again I can't find an answer in the FAQ:
>I'm running cygwin under win98 and every time I type the double-quote
>character in the cygwin shell, the very next character I type will cause a
>second double-quote to appear before the character typed, and I'll get a
>system beep. I am spared the beep if I type the same character a second
>time myself. This happens with a few other non-alphabetic characters as
>well (off the top of my head: single quote, backtick, tilde). I've learned
>to type these characters twice, followed by the backspace key to get rid
>of the one I didn't want, and this way I avoid the irritating beep, but I
>guess there is probably a better solution...

Sorry, never seen this.


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