On Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 11:04:45PM -0500, Larry Hall wrote:
>At 09:46 PM 1/22/2004, Ton van Overbeek you wrote:
>>Any test/strace etc. you want me to run ?
>>Or does this rings any bells w.r.t. changes between 1.5.5 and 1.5.6 ?
>>There is one change in the 1.5.6 announcement which seems to be related to
>>    - Protect tty access from unauthorized users.  (Pierre Humblet,
>>    Christopher Faylor)
>Well, it could be useful for you to track down this change in CVS and
>build without it to determine whether this is a contributing factor 
>or not.  Give it a shot.

It it would be generally unuseful to point me at a change that I made
myself and say "Could that be it?"  This is YA case of "Don't even bother".


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