Hi All...

There were some strong opinions expressed on both sides about whether sendmail is a good thing
or not...but the bottom line is that no one has offered to maintain sendmail as a package under
Cygwin. If you want to do that, I don't think that anyone would stop you. There is presently a
direct replacement available under cygwin.

Why is this thread living on?



From: "Joaquin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Plausibility of sendmail?
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 21:26:57 -0800

On another angle for this discussion.  Consider that for one M$ $FU 3.5
has sendmail.  Before this many commercial solutions charging quite a
lot of $$ for sendmail under Windows.  Microsoft even compiled a version
of sendmail for the earliest versions of Windows NT 3.51 long ago and
posted it on their ftp server.  Other companies made sendmail-look-alike
programs that could be scripted.

There is demand there, but it is not so obvious.

- Joaquin

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