I'm on an NT compatible (Windows XP) release trying to run the reg utils but I
get an error message that IsWinNT is not defined, so they the reg utils fail to
install. Presumably IsWinNT is to differentiate between Protected and
DOS-based versions of Windows but presumably wouldn't be defined on OS's where
Windows compatibility is not possible or desired.

Since the purpose of Cygwin is to allow developers to use both the Microsoft
Win32 API and/or the Cygwin API to write utils that can be used from both the
bash shell and the standard Windows command shell
(http://cygwin.com/faq/faq_1.html, 2nd par.), having Cywin perl returning "Not
running on top any version of windows) would seem to be a bug. Am I, perhaps,
doing something else wrong and this feature does work for others? If so, I'll
have to go bury my head for a while under some lines of code.

Speaking of compatibility -- there is only 1 application I know of that uses
"/" in keynames -- Cygwin. Since it's already been noted that this makes it
very awkward to access these keys in /proc, perhaps cygwin could op for better
windows compatibility and go with the unofficial custom of not using "/" in
keynames? Many or most examples I've seen of manipulating the registry show
the use of some "change separator" facility and then use "/" as the example
separator in code examples -- as "/" is already the separator in other parts of
the OS and "\" is a pain to use since most modern languages use it for
literalizing the next character

What do you think? Are these fixable/changable?


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