At 08:08 PM 2/12/2004, Hr. Daniel Mikkelsen you wrote:
>I've been unable to find information on this in the documentation, the FAQs and
>on the net:
>I have a situation where I want to use Cygwin in a multiuser environment where
>users hop from one computer to the next, with roaming profiles (stored on a
>Samba server).
>I have two problems:
>1) It appears domain users are stored in the local passwd file in a
>"domain\user" format on each workstation. But each user has to run Cygwin once
>to have this (and the homedir) set up. Are there neat ways to do all this
>automaticly and correctly in my situation?

This actually happens on installation, through postinstall scripts.  So
unless the installation happens through some method other than setup.exe
(in which case it is unsupported ;-) ), these files should be on the 
local machine as part of the install.  OK, I just wanted to correct any
misconception you had about how and when these files are made.  On to your
question now.
If the machines in question are always on the same domain (it sounds like
they are), you can put the passwd and group files on a central server and
have all the local machines just point to them via symlinks.  If you want
to set them up on the fly, you can always add a little script that's 
invoked from /etc/profile or some such that checks for the file's existence
locally and creates the link if it's not there already.

>2) It looks like I can't have my users' homedirs on the Samba server also be
>the Cygwin homedir for that user - if I want ssh to work. Ssh complains about
>ownership of the ~/.ssh file. Is there a way to fix this short of patching ssh?

Add "smbntsec" to your CYGWIN environment variable and then make sure the
permissions are correct for .ssh and subordinates.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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