Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
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OK, after a lot of time looking at the user guide, FAQ, and Google, I
finally figured out (I think) how to get DLLs to build with the
autotools.  But now I'm having troubles with building the executables
from the same package that depend on this library.

My "test case" is fribidi. In short:

1) I added -no-undefined to libfribidi_la_LDFLAGS in Makefile.in
(there's only one, no subdirs).

You might want to use automake+autoconf+libtool, instead of just autoconf+libtool.

2) I added an empty main function to one of the src .c files:

+int main ()
+{ return 0; }

You don't need to do this.

dlltool seems to build cygfribidi-0.dll properly, then make continues to
build fribidi.exe, which depends on libfribidi, and the following happens:

Don't use dlltool. It's old and crotchety. Use gcc -shared (or libtool). For examples, see the dllhelpers here:http://www.neuro.gatech.edu/users/cwilson/cygutils/dll-stuff/index.html

And make sure you're using a new(er) libtool/autoconf, like autoconf-devel-2.59 and libtool-devel-1.5.


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