* Russell Hind (2004-02-19 10:55 +0100)
> I have just installed the latest cygwin and set up cron to run using
> cygrunsrv -I cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -D
> cygrunsrv -S cron
> It is running as a service (both in XP task manager and in ps -ef)
> But I can't get it to execute commands.  I have tried a crontab as both 
> /etc/crontab and /var/cron/tabs/Russell

How did you create those? crontab -e for the latter? You know that the
system-wide crontab has a additional field for the user?

cron logs tho /var/whatever and into the eventviewer. Please consult
those two logs and explain further "can't get it to execute commands". 

Try redirecting the output with ">". For executables use the full path
or the PATH variable inside the crontab. Please read the fine manual
which answers all FAQs.


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