>I fixed the bug (which could only show up when using nmap) and uploaded
>a new version of inetutils.

Wow!  I'm impressed.  Thank you!

>As an exercise for the reader:
>  buf = (char *) malloc (size);
>  to = buf;
>  [...]
>  if (newsize > size)
>    buf = realloc (buf, newsize);
>  while (newsize--)
>    *to++ = *src++;
>What's wrong with this picture?

Oh, I hope there's an answer section in the back
of the book.

Proving my ignorance once again ...

0v~/eg/c>cat malmalloc.c
main ()
    char *buf, *to, *src = "hello world";
    int size = 8, newsize;

    newsize = strlen (src) + 1;
    buf = (char *) malloc (size);
    to = buf;

    if (newsize > size)
        buf = (char *)realloc (buf, newsize);
    while (newsize--)
        *to++ = *src++;

    printf ("%s\n", buf);
hello world

(assumes newsize is initialized).

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