A command of this form

    tcsh 1% /bin/tcsh -c "vim foo"

does not reliably resume after a suspend (^Z).  Upon resume vim quits with
this error:

    tcsh 8% /bin/tcsh -c "vim foo"
    (hit ^Z)
    tcsh 9% jobs
    [1]  + Suspended                     /bin/tcsh -c vim foo
    tcsh 10% fg
    tcsh 11% jobs
    Vim: Error reading input, exiting...
    Vim: Finished.

    tcsh 12%

Other times the error after fg is:

    Vim: Caught deadly signal HUP
    Vim: Finished.

Suspend/resume works reliably when invoking vim directly from the
command line (ie: a single subprocess suspends/resumes reliably).

This fails in this manner with 1.5.6, 1.5.6 and the 2004-Feb-20
and 2004-Feb-21 snapshots.  It worked fine with 1.5.5 and 1.3.x.

These commands suspend/resume reliably with sh or bash instead
of tcsh:

    tcsh 13% /bin/sh -c "vim foo"
    tcsh 14% /bin/bash -c "vim foo"

This problem also occurs with programs other than vim. So it appears
to be specific to /bin/tcsh (/bin/csh).

This might be related to this recent thread:


although in this case it is a sub-sub-process (or process group) that
is not correctly suspending/resuming (a regular, single, subprocess
suspends/resumes reliably).


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