
Somehow the permissions on my /etc/passwd and /etc/group files only gave
read permission to my account not SYSTEM.  Perhaps cron_diagnose.sh can
be updated to incorporate this checkpoint, i.e., that passwd and group
in /etc are readable by everyone.

Thanks for your help, Pierre.  Now cron jobs kick off properly and I
have telnet, ftp, etc. back again!  :-D

Cygwin rocks!


-----Original Message-----
From: Pierre A. Humblet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 3:42 PM
To: Winch Jr., Wayne S; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Cron Running As UID 400

At 06:18 PM 2/25/2004 -0500, Winch Jr., Wayne S wrote:
>Windows Task Manager reports the user as SYSTEM for all cygrunsrv 
>processes and their children (cron, inetd, etc.).  Interestingly 
>enough, I regenerated the /etc/passwd entry for my user login on my 
>Windows XP Pro box at work and the UID field changed from what it was 
>before (after I sent the initial problem email to the Cygwin list).  
>Then, I rebooted and all Cygwin related services (cygrunsrvs) were now 
>identified as unknown user 400 in ps -ef.  As one would then expect, 
>now I do not have any capabilities associated with these services, 
>including ftp, telnet, and IPC.

At least now it's consistent! 
Is /etc/passwd readable by everybody?
Is the system mount for / (or /etc) the same as your user mount?
Is /etc/passwd on a local disk?
One way or another, SYSTEM cannot read /etc/passwd, although (going back
to your original mail), it was initially able to read it. 

>My /etc/passwd file has the SYSTEM, Administrators and my personal 
>account listed as:
>winwa02:unused_by_nt/2000/xp:70656:10513:Winch Jr., Wayne 

That looks OK.

>My company's domain is TANT-A01 and my username is winwa02.
>Also, if I type passwd, then I get the following response:
>$ passwd
>passwd: unknown user winwa02
>As you can see, my login entry is in /etc/passwd, but I seem to be 
>logged in as a different user, even though id reports:

Does passwd support domain users?

>$ id
>uid=70656(winwa02) gid=10513(Domain Users) 
>t e),10513(Domain Users),162415(NASiteGroups),169978(North American 

That's OK, you are logged in as U-TANT-A01\winwa02


>>The only reason why a Cygwin process runs with uid 400 is that its SID

>>was not found in /etc/passwd when first starting from Windows (you can

>>observe that by temporarily renaming /etc/passwd and starting a fresh 
>>Cygwin process).
>>It's stange that this happens only for one cygrunsrv process
>>Please use the Windows Task Manager ("Processes" tab) and report the 
>>User of the strange cygrunsrv, according to Windows.

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