On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 06:16:55PM -0500, Rolf Campbell wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>>>No, but I'll try to catch one.  (I removed the strace from my script.)
>>>Ok, caught two already.  (Produced with attached script + Makefile)
>>Not much to there, unfortunately.
>>Out of curiousity, can you duplicate this problem with the snapshot?  I
>>see that this is your own build, probably built with
>>I've been diligently testing things with the snapshot rather than my
>>own build because I was trying to debug what was in the subject.
>>Snapshots aren't built with --enable-debugging.  If this is just an
>>artifact from building with --enable-debugging, then I'm not too
>Ok, I've been running the script with the '25 snapshot all day, with 44
>failures.  All the same type of failures I was seeing with the cvs
>(with --enable-debugging).  Unfortunitely, the ethernet card on my home
>machine broke so for now I'll upload one of the strace files to a
>geocites site.  Nothing looks suspicious to me in the strace, maybe
>it's a bug in make?  http://www.geocities.com/endlisnis/Temp/freeze.zip

Thanks.  Unfortunately, I don't see anything more here than in the other
strace output.

I did manage to duplicate this after 1437 repetitions or so.  My strace
didn't show anything either, unfortunately, but now maybe I can slowly
get to the bottom of the problem.


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