I tried to bring up the "beta" build of xemacs-21.5-b16 today and got a bit of a surprise.

The "gamma" or mainline version: launching with $DISPLAY unset comes up using MS Windows - as advertised.
The 21.5-b16, as Volker built it, with $DISPLAY unset, comes up in non-windowing mode, i.e. it uses the rxvt terminal window.

Now, that's not really terrible. I prefer the graphical but this does work. But even so, there is a glitch here. When I exit the Xemacs, the rxvt session gets closed -- my whole login session is gone.

David A. Cobb, Software Engineer, Public Access Advocate
"By God's Grace, I am a Christian man; by my actions a great sinner." -- The Way of a 
Pilgrim: R.French, Tr.
Life is too short to tolerate crappy software!

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