I installed the Apache module in Cygwin.  All seemed to go fine there.  I have used 
mostly IIS in Windows 2000 but lately started experimenting with Tomcat.  Anyway I 
thought I would try Apache in Cygwin.  After the installation I wasn't sure what to do 
next other then search the Web on "Cygwin Apache."  Which is what I did and found this:


Well I figured Cygwin would install Apache such that with little or no 
re-configuration on my part it would work.  So I just started Cygwin in the bash shell 
(the default way Cygwin is installed) and typed "httpd" w/o the quotes.  The result 
was that the command httpd was unrecognized.  So I went to the directory structure of 
Cygwin and found that httpd.exe is NOT in C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin but in 

What have I done wrong?

George Hester

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