Magno Weege de Oliveira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, sory to send mail to this list, but I need I little explanation:
> Problem: I wanna to send a email but the Sender need to be 
> and the Sender is U-host08/Administrator (for example)
> How can I change the Sender??
> p.s.: I'm using mutt and ssmtp to send mails.
> thanks a lot!

Do you mean the From: line or the Sender: line?
If it's the From: line, you may want to edit /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
and ensure that the line "FromLineOverride=YES" is uncommented.
This will ensure that whatever mutt thinks the From: line should be,
will be the From: line sent by ssmtp.  Then it's up to you to
convince mutt to use a particular From: line.

The problem is that without "FromLineOverride=YES", ssmtp will construct 
the From: line using your username on the Cygwin machine, and the 
corresponding real name from /etc/passwd which defaults to 
U-host08/Administrator.  Almost certainly not what you want.

Further discussion on this list is doubtless off-topic, but in
this case I'll welcome you to send me private e-mail if you need
more help.


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