I've been trying to get through with a response with my latest results to David Korn's e-mails about Rational Rose having crashed my Cygwin update and consequently, my entire Cygwin installation. But the mails aren't getting through and I don't seem to be getting any explanatory messages from the list automanagers. Any ideas?
- Chris
*Contact Info:*
Christopher M. Balz
Senior Software Engineer
/TreeLogic Software Engineering <http://treelogic-swe.com>/
160 Lincoln Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301-2437 U.S.A.
". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from /The Crystal Cabinet <http://www.bartleby.com/236/59.html>/, a poem by *William Blake <http://www.art4net.com/EXPObl.html>* (18th-century English poet) where Blake rues England's rule.

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