On Mon, 12 Apr 2004 18:05:15 -0400, "Lipin, Adam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>said:
> Does anyone know how to invoke a bash process via a dos batch
> program so
> commands after bash execute?

'bash' is a red herring in this case. Try this:

REM This is batch1.bat
batch2.bat test
echo back from batch2.bat

REM this is batch2.bat
echo %1
echo bash
echo %1

When I execute batch1.bat in a DOS window, I never get the echo back from batch2.bat. 
Notice I removed the exit from batch2.bat. Methinks that invoking batch2.bat replaces 
the current process (in UNIX speak) so that the rest of batch1.bat is never executed.

And now that I have shown this thread to have no Cygwin content whatsoever, I think it 
is time to end it. Or else, we're flame-bait for sure.


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