I installed Cygwin today at work onto a network drive. I added the cygwin bin to my 
path and all was well. I then added the path to a coworker's machine, but it failed 
miserably. Then I remembered that there were some registry entries for mounting that 
needed to be installed.

Rather the fish them out, I just reinstalled on her machine overwriting the network 

Is there a doc that describes specifically how to install on a network drive and get 
individual machines set up properly? Failing to find one, I think the instructions 
should be:

1) Install to a target machine.
2) Use regtool to extract the relevant parts of the registry
3) Install the registry stuff and modify the path on the target machine.

I was trying to test this, but when I tried to run regtool, all I could get was 
individual keys, not a whole tree.

Am I on the right track here?

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