Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

On Sat, 8 May 2004, zzapper wrote:

With help from this NG have created the following scripts, I think
they are very useful especially wexp. (Paths to various apps on your
PC may vary of course). Excepting wexp all require a filename as
parameter eg > wmdb test.mdb

wexp : Launch Windows Explorer with correct "Windows" path
wint : Launch Internet Explorer with correct "Windows" path
wop : Launch Opera with correct "Windows" path
wpdf : Launch Acrobat Reader with correct "Windows" path
wxls : Launch Excel with correct "Windows" path
wdoc : Launch Word with correct "Windows" path
wmdb : Launch Access with correct "Windows" path


I hate to rain on your parade, but have you tried "cygstart"? If you have
the Explorer file associations set up correctly (i.e., double-clicking on
a .mdb file launches Access, etc), you should simply be able to say

$ cygstart test.mdb

to pop up Access. Similarly, "cygstart ." (or any other directory) should
pop up Windows Explorer.

Hell even explorer . works! (I admit it doesn't address other things like POSIX paths and other applications though I rarely get the urge to start MS Access ;-) ).

You can even say "cygstart -x ." to open Windows
Explorer in "explore" mode. This should also work with the *full* POSIX
path to a file, whereas your solution requires that the file be in the
current directory...

FWIW, the one useful aspect of your scripts is that you can only associate
the ".html" extension with either Opera or IE, so you'll need a script to
invoke the non-default browser. Note also that people may have their
programs, notably Opera, Acrobat Reader, etc, installed in different
location from that which you hard-coded into the scripts.


I thought about how mothers feed their babies with tiny little spoons and forks so I wondered, what do Chinese mothers use? Toothpicks?

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