I previously posted a problem where a job failed attaching to an MQ
Q Manager when run from cron. The explanation that was provided 
was that because MQ authenticates the user using the NT services 
and cron had had to su to that user, bypassing these services, that
the user running the job did not then have the correct credentials.

This sounds plausible and certainly explains the behaviour I see, but
what would be involved in cron checking to see under which user the
cygwin session is running and if this is the same user as the cygwin
cron service is running under. If they are the same then do not do
the change of user? Would this enable the cron job to run with the
correct credentials? Or am I totally misunderstanding the problem?
I admit that I know little or nothing about either Windows security
or how cygwin interacts with it.

Thanks for any comments on this

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