At 05:57 AM 5/27/2004, you wrote:
>I am not able to link one of my program using g++, so looking forward for some help.
>I am having a library(util.lib) and dll(util.dll) file.
>I am trying to link my program to the dll and getting undefined reference error where 
>as the same thing works if I try in linux environment.

I think you're implying something about your Linux environment here but
I'm not sure.  Certainly as stated and making no assumptions, you can't 
link your program with a DLL on Linux.  I point this out just so you 
recognize that your statement is unclear and that it colors my response.

>when I try to list the symbols from the dll it returns nothing.
>When I try to list the symbos from the library file it returns the symbol for the 
>function I am looking for.

And the library is what?  An import library?  A static library?  Where do 
the DLL and LIB come from?  How were they built?  Perhaps you need to 
provide the actual sequence of steps you're taking and the results you

>I want to know is there any way I can use g++ to link using the library file rather 
>than the dll I rememeber in Microsoft Visual c++ we specifiy library file rather than 

And this doesn't work for you with g++ because?

>I went through the mailing list 

Good to hear!

>and could not found any relevant requirement.

Unfortunately, everything there is not gold.  And sometimes the gold is

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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