> I'm trying to port some code that uses flushall() to cygwin.
> The non-windows version of the code uses 'system("sync")'
> but this fails the builtin tests.
> The code is hdf5-1.6.2, in case that helps.

Not sure what an "hdf5" is, but in general it is not possible to do
sync-to-backing-storage from an arbitrary account in Windows.  Not even on
removable media, which of course is where you often need it most.
Microsoft's rationale behind this escapes me, but there it is.  Furthermore,
even when you can do it, the method is completely different in Win9x and the
NT series.

This functionality could probably be added to the cygserver by somebody with
sufficient reason to do so.  Until that happens, if you really truly need an
all-the-way-to-the-media flush in cygwin, you're SOL.

Gary R. Van Sickle

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