At 09:23 AM 6/5/2004, you wrote:

Hello Tim,

Igor wrote:
>> Also, in the future, please *attach* your cygcheck
>> output to your messages

Tim wrote:
> Looking at the Cygwin page on reporting errors, it
> says:

> "Run cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out and include that
> file as an attachment in your report."

> Text attachments need a ".txt" extension for many mail
> programs to recognize them as text and display them
> properly. Shouldn't these instruction be changed to
> create a "cygcheck.txt" file instead?

Why not trash all those crippled mail programs, you must not use them?



I didn't put in that bit about .txt extensions. I did reply to 2 e-mails from you a week ago, and my replies appeared to have been bounced by your mail server.

Tim Prince

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