On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 06:23:57PM -0600, Ian Strascina wrote:
> I updated my cygwin last Thurs. (6/3/04) to include the Perl and Python
> packages...  Today, I'm trying to compile my c++ programs, and g++ is gone
> from my /usr/bin ...  Anyone know why this would happen...???  Now I want
> to reinstall it, but it's not on the cygwin packages page...  The closest
> I find is  gcc-g++  ...  Is this the same and will/should it work
> correctly with my current programs...???  Please help ASAP...  I'm trying
> to graduate in a month and I need my g++ to work...

Yes.  gcc was split into multiple packages, and unfortunately you don't
automatically get all the functionality you had before when you update.
You want gcc-g++.

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  • g++ Ian Strascina
    • RE: g++ Norman Vine
    • Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes

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