Actually, the cygipc package has been superceded by the integrated and 
more capable cygserver that comes with the Cygwin package.  You should 
investigate cygserver if you want to know how these things work in Cygwin.
cygserver is also run as a service though, which you state is a problem 
for you. 


At 09:15 PM 6/30/2004, you wrote:
>I read the cygipc source code and get to know  a service must run for the IPC 
>That is not good for my program. 
>I'd like to ask how the cygwin1.dll realize the IPC functions, use cygipc package 
>another question is where I can find the IPC package using System V style function 
>names for windows platform>
>======= 2004-07-01 05:38:14 You wrote£º=======
>>Perhaps you are unaware of a package called 'cygipc'.
>>This includes most, if not all, of the facilities you have
>>said you need.  For example ...
>>$ ipcs -h
>>usage: ipcs [-abchmopqstuMQST]
>>ipcs prints information for IPC resources for which you have read access.
>>  -a   Show the maximum amount of information possible when displaying
>>       active semaphores, message queues and shared memory segments
>>       (This is shorthand for specifying -bcopt).
>>  -b   Show the maximum allowed sizes for active semaphores, message queues
>>       and shared memory segments.  The maximum allowed size is the maximum
>>       number of bytes in a message on a message queue, the size of a shared
>>       memory segment, or the number of semaphores in a set of semaphores.
>>  -c   Show the creator's name and group for active semaphores, message
>>       queues, and shared memory segments.
>>  -h   This help.
>>  -m   Display information about active shared memory segments.
>>  -o   Show outstanding usage for active message queues and shared memory
>>       segments.  The outstanding usage is the number of messages in a
>>       message queue, or the number of processes attached to a shared memory
>>       segment.
>>  -p   Show the process ID information for active semaphores, message queues
>>       and shared memory segments.  The process ID information is the last
>>       process to send a message to or receive a message from a message
>>       queue, the process that created a semaphore, or the last process to
>>       attach or detach a shared memory segment.
>>  -q   Display information about active message queues.
>>  -s   Display information about active semaphores.
>>  -t   Show access times for active semaphores, message queues and shared
>>  -u   Show system wide usage of IPC resources.  This information is added
>>       as a list after the appropriate shared memory, messages queue or
>>       semaphore information output
>>  -M   Display system information about shared memory.
>>  -Q   Display system information about messages queues.
>>  -S   Display system information about semaphores.
>>  -T   Display system information about shared memory, message queues and
>>       semaphores.
>>I doubt anyone on the cygwin list will assist you in trying to do things
>>the hard way, when cygipc likely addresses your needs.
>>If in some way, you find cygipc non-functional or incomplete, then
>>such issues might be on-topic.  Otherwise you will likely be ignored.
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