On Tuesday, July 06, 2004 2:16 PM [EST], [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Hi guys,
> I've tried to plough through your archives on dual processors and
> somebody said that when you've got a dual processor machine, one
> has to start two instances of one's program to get both processors
> working - one on each job. Fine, this is what I used to do on a DEC
> Apha, but on my Windows box this does not seem to be the case. I
> still get only 50% out of the box when checking with taskmgr...
> What am I doing wrong? Do I need to write "multi-threaded",
> whatever that is? Doesn't seem to make much sense to me. Two
> perfectly independent jobs should run just fine along each other,
> using both CPUs to the maximum...
> Many thanks for any help!
> Mathias

>From my experience, you have to set the process's processor affinity
(my spelling sucks).   In windows, this can be done IIRC by using the
task manager.  You tell it which processor you want the process to run
on exclusively.

Of course, this was many years ago when I last played with dual
processors on a Windows machine (why waste such system power with an
OS like Windows when Linux can make the most of it?).

Ahh the days of dual PPro 200s and Windows 2000 Pro :)

Brian Bruns
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