Getting to be off-topic for the Cygwin list, but here's a pointer:
In particular, the first and fourth hits look relevant.

As for "Program Files", as far as I know, the name isn't special in any
way -- you can just rename it (and, of course, move all the programs
already installed there - yuk!), or, better yet, simply don't install
Cygwin under it...  Plus (to get this back on-topic), you can use Cygwin
mounts to hide the spaces in directory names, e.g., on my machine:

$ mount | grep java
c:\Program Files\IBM\Java14 on /usr/contrib/java type user (binmode)


Thanks for that bit of information. Off-topic can be serendipitous, maybe? IIRC, I might be able to do this next go-around by installing Windows with a more custom set of shell folders.

Have you any experience with the Microsoft 'linkd' utility (or SysInternals 'join')? I stumbled across a brief discussion in the Cygwin mailing list archives concerning implementing something similar but the idea was voted dead in the water. Using 'ls' won't display reparse points, of course, but what can be an administrative nightmare could be mitigated somewhat aliasing 'dir' to 'cmd.exe /C dir' for a quick and dirty check, or using 'join' to keep abreast of things if one were to use that approach. I know the NTFS mount drive-to-folder has its own set of problems.

I guess my question, if there is one, is to what extent can multiple drive letter assignments for partitions, hard disks, network mounts, etc. be replaced with something more sane? Or short of a mount here and there and a few symlinks thrown in for good measure, is the idea of implementing something more Unix-ish a road to even more frustration?

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