On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 11:37:10AM -0700, Eduardo Chappa wrote:
>*** Christopher Faylor ([EMAIL PROTECTED])...:
>If I make this research, you do the change in the way the archives are
>generated, so that all people in this thread be happy.  Do we have a

Here's how it works: You do the research yourself, then you present your
case where I have previously stated.  My participation is not required.
There are others who know about this and anyone who does reads the
overseers mailing list.

I do not want to be involved in doing this.  I do not have the right to
unilaterally change the mail archiving software on sourceware.org.  I am
not going to be your champion for this policy change for this site.

>:) >>OTOH, if anyone wants to change the policy of sourceware.org, you are 
>:) >>welcome to send email to the overseers mailing list and lobby for 
>:) >>change.  I don't think you are going to find a receptive audience, 
>:) >>but I could be wrong.
>:) >
>:) >I don't think it's the time to send such request.  I will wait a couple
>:) >of years to do so.
>:) Then you are done with this discussion except as a theoretical exercise,
>:) apparently.
>I did not say so. You are very good to "infer" INCORRECT opinions out 
>loud. You SHOULD not. This is not a theoretical exercise, you can do 
>something about it that I can not.

If I am the only one with the power, then I am the one who can tell you
that further discussion will have no practical effect.  You are welcome
to continue to expound on the virtues of "format=flowed" (even if it is
off-topic here).  When you do so, however, it will be merely a
theoretical exercise since there will be no action taken here.


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