I've noticed that if I do (*) a 

        chown -R administrator.SYSTEM /
then chown goes out onto the network and tries to access shares called
//bin, //var, //usr etc., and can block for long periods, too.

Now, I do understand that really I should be doing (**)

        chown -R administrator.SYSTEM `cygpath -w / | sed 's|\\|/|g'`

to restrict the chown to only affect Cygwin files anyway, but I'm still
interested in how the spurious //bin etc. names are generated.  (I.e.
whether that's actually a bug?)


I'm trying to work around permission problems resulting from the Cygwin
*user* not being the same person as the cygwin *installer* on a machine.

Typically this would evaluate to:
        chown -R administrator.SYSTEM C:/Cygwin

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