On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 19:05:05 +0100,  wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of zzapper
>> Sent: 21 July 2004 18:51
>> >>>> I recently seem to be leaving nul files around my file system 
>> >>>> which I cannot delete from Cyg or Win
>> >>>DEL \\.\c:\somedir\nul
>> >>no luck
>> >>
>> >>C:\inetpub\wwwdev\www.planet.com>del nul
>> >>The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
>> >Use the syntax Dave suggested and you'll have better luck.
>> That zeroed the file, but it's still undeletable. But what is 
>> that wierd delete syntax??
>  Actually, it may have genuinely deleted it after all, but it might also
>look as if it was still there, depending how you look.
>  It's easy to think the file is still there if you look for it by doing "ls
>-l nul", because for some reason that will always succeed, regardless of
>whether or not there actually is a nul-named file in the directory you're
>looking in.  Compare the results of "ls -l nul" and "ls -l | grep nul" and
>you'll see what I mean.
ls -l | grep nul

Absolutely right, I could see that it had disappeared from Win, but was fooled into 
thinking I could
still see it in Cyg. 

What a wonderful conundrum!! Where are the nuls likely to have originated from??

Frustra laborant quotquot  fatigant deletum nul (Bad Latin)

zzapper (vim, cygwin, wiki & zsh)

vim -c ":%s/^/WhfgTNabgureRIvzSUnpxre/|:%s/[R-T]/ /Ig|:normal ggVGg?"

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