> My problem is that the system try to create a directory
> '//ALISANDRE/homes/.ssh'.  and '//ALISANDRE/homes/ this is 
> the value for
> HOMESHARE  , the system chearch to write in know_hosts file , 
> so i want
> change this value by /home/gurkan definitively (even if a 
> reboot ) but i
> can't find it .

This is defined in Cygwin's /etc/passwd file.  You will 
want to generate a password file with some variation of the
'mkpasswd' command:

  $ /usr/bin/mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd


  $ /usr/bin/mkpasswd -d -u gurkan >> /etc/passwd

and then edit /etc/passwd, and change the second-to-last
field so that it contains the HOME directory that you want.

Similarly, you will want to use the 'mkgroup' command to generate
a useable /etc/group file, for example,

  $ /usr/bin/mkgroup -l > /etc/group


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