Hello CVS maintainer (et al.),

I've got a slight problem with CVS when running it on a directory mounted in managed mode: the directory being case-sensitive, ``cvs update'' should *IMHO* not warn about a file whose name might clash with another due to its case (and on ``cvs checkout'', it doesn't).

The file in question is called Hash.h, which has a little brother called hash.h.

The error is emitted on line 1809 of src/client.c, which also contains a lengthy comment on why the error may be emitted, confirming my hypothesis.

My question is not: "please fix this.." - my question is whether you'd be interested in a fix. The fix would consist of
* checking whether the file being updated is on a managed mount (don't
know how to do that yet, but I assume it's possible)
+ if so, assume case-sensitivity
- if not, assume case-insensitivity

The patch would probably be Cygwin-specific, so I doubt it would be possible to get it up-stream, but I'll try to make it as clean as possible..

I should also note that I have *no* ETA on this: it'll be an during-lunch-breaks thing - my question is just whether you'd be interested at all (otherwise, I'll ignore the warning and bite my nails in stead of scratching this particular itch).


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