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Larry Hall wrote:

> I find no evidence in the list archives or my local mailbox
> that a message with the subject you mentioned was sent.

Hmmmm... So THAT'S why I was "being ignored." :)

That WOULD explain it. :)

> It may have gotten lost or rejected somewhere in transit for
> reasons I won't guess at.

Me neither. What's odd is I can't honestly remember this ever having
happened before. Very strange.

In any case, I've just now reposted my original message (along with
some additional information as well) under the thread (subject line):

   "RESEND man.conf permissions problem"

HOPEFULLY *this* time it'll make it to the list. :)

> [...] though you should keep in mind that no one is obligated
> to respond to your posts even if they do make it to the list.

I fully understand that. :)

Most [normal, reasonable] people in my experience though are usually
quite willing to try and help, even though they AREN'T obligated to.
It's human nature. :)

> Typically, someone does respond though,

Yup. Same as on most lists. Altruism at its finest. :)

(And personally I wouldn't have it any other way. People helping
other people makes life more enjoyable for all concerned, and
enjoying life the best you can is what life is all about IMO)


I've already searched the archives. That's the first thing I always
do. Only when I'm unable to resolve the situation for myself after
having gleaned as many potential hints as possible from the archives
do I then ask the list for help.

But then that's just me. :)

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to respond, Larry. I really
appreciate it.

Now all I need is to get someone else (or several someone elses!) to
respond to my "original" (re-)post (i.e. the one explaining my
problem/issue) with some suggestions and/or potential answers --
assuming of course it makes it to the list this time! -- and I'll be
a happy camper. :)

Thanks again.

- -- 
"Fish" (David B. Trout)

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