On Aug  5 11:11, Gernot Hillier wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 5. August 2004 10:59 schrieb Corinna Vinschen:
> > Perhaps that's the problem.  People running the script and decide not
> > to install sshd as service, but change their mind at some later point.
> Well, for me it didn't work. Here's exactly what I do after a fresh Cygwin 
> installation to get it running:
> - setup ssh:
>       - set environment variable CYGWIN to "ntsec tty" (Control Panel/
>       System/Advanced/Environmental Variables)
>       - call "ssh-host-config -y" in a cygwin window --> creates a user "sshd"
>       - chown SYSTEM /etc/ssh_host_* /var/empty
>       - net start sshd
>       - try to login with "ssh localhost"
> So for me it seems as sshd is installed as service but this last check somehow 
> fails.

I'm sorry but that's not exactly helpful.  I'd need a proof and at least
a debug output of a script run.  I'm also wondering sometimes why nobody
tries to fix the bug (if there is one) instead of constantly working around
it.  It's just a shell script.  It's not overly complicated, is it?


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