Responding to both of Gerrit's posts below

Gerrit P. Haase wrote:

Ken wrote:

I googled and couldn't find anything (or didn't use the correct words).

I looked on cpan and and didn't see anything similiar.

This doesn't happen on my debian woody machine (perl 5.6.1), so I don't know
if it a perl thing or a cygwin-perl thing.

This is my first go round with perl so be gentle :)

cygcheck attached

There I see:

HOME = `C:\cygwin\home\Ken Dibble'
PWD = `/home/Ken Dibble'

Maybe it is a problem with the space in your HOME path?



/home/kdibble has always been a link to /home/Ken Dibble for this reason
I neglected to cd ../kdibble
this fixes the test problem.

to try and make sure this doesn't happen again, I changed /etc/passwd

$ grep kdibble /etc/passwd
kdibble:unused_by_nt/2000/xp:1006:545:U-BECCOMPUTER\Ken Dibble,S-1-5-21-3608352237-884828134-1278401143-1006:/home/kdibble:/bin/bash

$ cygcheck -s -v -r | grep home
HOME = `C:\cygwin\home\Ken Dibble'
PWD = `/home/kdibble'
OLDPWD = `/home/kdibble'

$ echo $HOME

So obviously there is something weird going on, any idea why cygcheck says home is one thing, but bash says it is another?

Have you used the CPAN shell (just call `cpan` in a bash shell)?

Well, I tried. I only installed perl this AM and already the cpan shell is telling me that it recommends that
I update a bunch of packages (some of which I only installed this morning, using to find the
modules and download them.

Being a perl newbie (this AM was my first explicit try at using it), I bailed on cpan quickly.

Thanks for all your help.


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