Pierre A. Humblet:
>644 permissions are OK, but what are the owner and the group?

I (the only user) am the owner and it has no group:

$ ls -la exim*
-rwxr--r--    1 mike     None        26475 Aug 19 01:51 exim.conf

Any ideas?

Also, how do I see a list of groups in cygwin? I know passwd shows users and what groups they might be in, but is there a command to view created groups?

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Mike Skallas wrote:
> I just installed the newest version of exim, ran the "exim-config"
> config script and am getting this error in the logs everytime I tried to
> start to service:
> 2004-08-19 01:58:03 Exim configuration file /etc/exim.conf has the wrong
> owner,
> group, or mode
> A google search brought up changing the permissions of exim.conf to 644,
> which I did, but I'm still getting the same error.  Any ideas guys? This
> is an XP machine running SP2 if that matters.

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