Igor Pechtchanski schrieb:
On Sat, 28 Aug 2004, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
Until then, I have a version online at
my site, this works and was the base of the actual port done by the

To build from source with my patch, be sure to read the README:

Hey, this is a really good idea. Would it be much of a chore to make the package READMEs available on the Cygwin package search page, along with the contents? I'm mostly asking whether it'll create a space problem of some sort, and whether the script that builds the package list files for package-cat.cgi and package-grep.cgi could be made to also extract the READMEs from the packages and link to them online. FWIW, I couldn't find that script in sourceware CVS -- I assume it's somewhere under infra/. If someone points me to that script, I'm willing to give a shot to writing the README extraction code.

What about $ egrep "search-regex" /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/*

Must everything be on the web?
Maybe, because Google will not pickup the cygwin README's then. And people trust Google more than the content of their harddisc.
Reini Urban

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