On Aug 30, 2004, at 9:20 AM, Pierre A. Humblet wrote:

Huh? I don't even own a single dog, just a WinME.
It has crossed my mind that the fork bug has something to do with
the hyperthreaded machine problem, and even that it might well be
the last bug in Cygwin.
Processor affinity not helping is consistent with the fork bug.

Interesting: The problem we see/saw was that when make attempted to run the compiler, the command string would not get passed along, causing the compiler to not unreasonably complain loudly about the lack of a command line. We verified that make was correctly generating the command line, and that the error occurred somewhere in the fork that launched the compiler. Unfortunately, of course, we could not consistently reproduce the problem. (Although, typically of such things, it always became much, much worse whenever we were pushing for a release.)

Kate Ebneter
iPod Build Engineer
Apple Computer, Inc.

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