My name is Eddie. i'm new to the list. I've been using cygwin for the past four years. It's improved a lot since I started back then.
I just never had the courage to speak up until now.
Cygwin has made a major impact on my life. With it, I can do anytthing I need to do. Compile a Windows program? No problem. Compile a Unix program to work under windows? No problem.
It has made a major impact on my life.
I'm a programmer looking to help. Right now, I'm compiling the source to the cygwin dll.
I finallly figured out how to put the stuff in the right directories. The answer was there all the time.

Simply copy them from a temporary dircectory to where they actually go.
bin, etc, i686-pc-cygwin and the others can be copied by using copy and past in Windows.
I just occurred to me today as I was on the phone with a friend.
Its so simple. a child could do it.
Cygwin under windows gets better all the time.

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