Hi all. I am attempting to run setup.exe, version 2.427 under Windows 2000 Professional on a Toshiba laptop. After making all the setup option selections, the setup fails, with a dialog window saying 'setup.exe has been terminated by Windows. You will need to restart the program'.

The first time I tried to run setup, I looked in 'setup\var\log'. It said that Cygwin could not detect McShield because McAfee is not installed. I am aware that setup has problems running simultaneously with anti-virus software, but I have no anti-virus software on the computer (as the error diagnostic indicates).

This computer is not connected to the internet. So I had to download and burn the tarballs to CD on another machine. I then copied the files from CD to a folder residing on my desktop on the machine in question...and am attempting to run setup from this folder.

This is my first time posting to this list and trying to use Cygwin. Many apologies if this has been addressed elsewhere (I've read several postings with regard to 2.427 setup - but none addressing quite the same concern as mine).

Best regards,
Pat Jones

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