Well, yes.  The flash drive is a Sandisk Cruzer Mini which is USB 2.0 with
fallback to 1.1.  The computer is a Dell Dimension 4600 which claims eight
USB 2.0 connectiors.  Running Windows XP.

I don't think caching is the difference.  I was able to unzip the .zip
file right after xcopy had copied it.

Is there anything faster than cp for copying out of the cygwin tools?  I'm
working out some scripts to share files between my work machine and my
home machine using the flash drive.  I could use xcopy but then I'd have
to go through the filename translation doohicky.


On Thu, 30 Sep 2004, Hannu E K Nevalainen wrote:

> you wrote:
> > Thanks for responding, Gary.
> >
> >> Regardless, <3.7Mb/second seems like something's wrong somewhere.
> >> Are you running USB2.0 hub-to-device?
> >
> > I dunno.  I'm not very knowledgable about hardware esp. USB.  How
> > would I tell?
> >
> > dar
> Sorry for butting in...
>  I'd say it should've read "USB 2.0" very clearly, somewhere on that
> USB-thingie.
>  Sometimes you can tell whether there is some caching going on by simply
> moving everything away from the mounted drive (i.e. move Explorer's viewing
> off the drive) and then submit an "Right click->Eject" on the drive letter.
> If the Eject makes the USB-drive-led flicker, there was something cached.
> /Hannu E K Nevalainen, B.Sc. EE Microcomputer systems            --72-->
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